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Washington Emergency Management Division Discussing Potential future WA earthquakes

Writer's picture: MLWA 7MLWA 7

- Downtown Moses Lake

Washington Emergency Management Division and Washington Geological Survey earthquake experts, along with Grant County Emergency Management, will be offering a presentation on earthquake preparation in Moses Lake. The crash course will be at the Moses Lake Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 1 from 2-3:30 for folks interested in learning some earthquake education and tips on how to prepare for the worst.

According to the press release, the presentation will discuss a variety of topics from the best protective action in an earthquake to how earthquake fault lines work.

The presentation will also highlight other emergencies to prepare for such as snow storms or wildfires, but really focus in on earthquakes.

The west coast is home to the most and strongest earthquakes with Washington taking 3rd in the most and strongest just below Alaska and California. Washington is ranked 5th in the nation for most earthquakes in the nation.

Central Washington mostly the counties of Grant and Chelan are vonerable to earthquakes ranging from a 2.0 to a 6.5 with the strongest fault line running along the middle spine of the Saddle Mountains in southern Grant County.

The northern west coast is over due for a 9.0 or greater earthquake is expected to strike ok the coast along the Cascadia Subduction zone.

By MLWA 7 & Kalie Drago


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