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MLHS Teen arrested after assaulting fellow classmate

Writer's picture: MLWA 7MLWA 7

— Moses Lake, WA

A freshman teen was arrested by MLPD SRO officers after a 4th period physical education class.

Wednesday morning two male students broke out into a fight in the male gender locker room during 4th period. Two P.E instructors tried breaking up the two students and tried holding down the main suspect.

According to eyewitness accounts a PE instructor

yelled at the student assaulting his classmate

“Stop, just stop!” repeatedly. And the student who was assaulted said “stop... I didn’t do anything!”

Other eyewitness accounts say the fight took place between lockers, shower floors and in the isle and that the suspect was punching and chocking the other student.

One PE instructor walked with the student who was assaulted to the front office with minor injuries to the neck. Just before the 5th period bell admin at the front office were called on the radio to send extra staff to the commons and called for security and SRO.

According to MLPD the suspect turned onto the instructors after the two classmates were separated. The suspect was arrested on scene and was then booked into the juvenile detention facility for second and third-degree assaults.

Later that evening MLSD staff, parents & guardians received an email from the superintendent regarding the incident that took place earlier that day. Superintendent Meek recognized the student and staff members who put their lives in front of harm's way to protect the students and that he will remind students about safety at school. And reminded people to see something say something.

Dear Staff:

Today at Moses Lake High School an altercation occurred between two students in the locker room. This student altercation quickly erupted and multiple staff members intervened to protect student safety and well being. This intervention occurred because a bave student alerted the teacher of something happening outside of their line of sight. This young man demonstrates the perfect example of See Something, Say Something.
The role of a classroom teacher and our staff is to teach and facilitate growth in our students -- young and old. Unfortunately, events like this are a reminder of the importance of safety and security. In a split second today three heroic Moses Lake High School teachers put themselves in harm’s way to protect students. Words and heartfelt thank yous are not enough to express our gratitude and respect for the role these three teachers played. But, in addition to reminding our students about safety please take a minute and thank a staff member around you for doing whatever it takes for all of our students.

Dear Parent/Guardians:

Today at Moses Lake High School an altercation occurred between two students in the locker room. This student altercation quickly erupted and multiple staff members intervened to protect student safety and well being. This intervention occurred because a bave student alerted the teacher of something happening outside of their line of sight. This young man demonstrated the perfect example of See Something, Say Something.
Many students on campus may have seen some of these events. It is important to discuss with your students their role in maintaining a safe environment and reporting to adults when things are not right. A student today spoke up out of protection for his/her classmates and as a result, a disturbing situation was alleviated from worsening.
The role of a classroom teacher is to teach and facilitate growth in our students -- young and old. Unfortunately, events like this are a reminder of the importance of safety and security. In a split second today three heroic Moses Lake High School teachers put themselves in harm’s way to protect students. Words and heartfelt thank yous are not enough to express our gratitude and respect for the role these three teachers played. But, in addition to reminding your students about safety please take a minute and thank a teacher around you for doing whatever it takes for all of our students.
Dr. Joshua Meek Superintendent
Triscia Hochstatter Principal

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