-Ephrata, WA
Around 200 acres were burned early Tuesday morning from a brush fire near Ephrata. According to Grant County Fire District 13, firefighters from Ephrata FD, Distrct #13, and #5 were called to stop a brushfire east of Road A NW near Drumheller RD.
At about 2:00AM 911 dispatchers received reports from residents in Moses Lake who could see a fire near Ephrata. In a press release GCFD # 13 stated that their firefighters found an active wildfire south of SR-17 and SR-282 in sagebrush and requested mutual aid. “The terrain in this area is very difficult which hampered access and firefighter’s initial efforts. The terrain in the fire perimeter included a steep hill and is very rocky. Some rocks are boulders the size of vehicles.” Stated GCFD #13. Wind were also a factor Tuesday morning as it began shifting multiple times and driving the fire out of containment.
In all it took 13 fire apparatus about 2.5 hours to contain it and about 100 to 200 acres burned. No structures or property was damaged and the cause is still unknown. BLM Oregon & Washington responded once the fire was contained and is still monitoring it along with two D13 trucks. They plan on mapping it further.