— Moses Lake, WA
200 residents have filed to run for a local government public office for the 2020 race. 180 people are running for 145 local government positions across Grant County with 6 out of the 180 politicians running for a Moses Lake Office. Here is a look at the local contested races for Moses Lake
13th Legislative District Position 2.
Democrat Steve Verhey
Republican Alex Ybarra
Moses Lake School District
School Director No. 1: Richard Hanover, of Moses & LakeShannon Hintz, of Moses Lake
School Director No. 3: Susan Freeman, of Moses & Lake/Greg Nevarez, of Moses Lake
School Director No. 5: Bryce McPartland, of Moses Lake & Shaun Hagerty, of Moses Lake
MLWA 7 News is your local and state election headquarters for the 2020 election year stay with us for updates on the local and state positions.